CORONA NEWS 25.2.2021
At this moment our spaces are open only for rehearsals of professional productions and for children’s activities; all other activities – mostly evening and weekend activities – have been cancelled by Eskus. According to the information available at the moment this situation will continue at least until the end of march.
We at Eskus follow the guidelines stipulated by THL and OKM for preventing the spreading of Corona virus.
Our spaces are thoroughly cleaned twice a week and depending on the amount of people using the spaces all surfaces are disinfected other weekdays also.
Also those using the spaces are recommended to clean surfaces. There are cleaning- and disinfecting materials available for everyone; instructions for use can be found on the kitchen wall and on the studio doors. There is also hand disinfection liquids available.
All users of the spaces are responsible for bringing their own protection, such as face masks.
Corona virus spreads through droplets, so good ventilation is important. We make sure there are keys for opening the windows in all spaces. If you notice any lack, please inform the office.
Please take in consideration, that those who organise an event equate to an employer and are as responsible accordingly.
Central points in the instructions:
*In order to prevent close contact the possibility to maintain security distance must be guaranteed during public events and gatherings and in public spaces. The amount of people must be limited to guarantee a minimum of 2 m distance between individuals.
*In situations where ques might form people must be reminded about safe distances and assisted to keep them
*As the risk for spreading through droplets is especially high in situations where people sing or exercise in groups the importance of safe distancing during such events, or similar, must be stressed.
*Upon entering indoors spaces or a closed outdoor area, use hand disinfectant
We care for each other and ourselves so that no infections are spread at Eskus, and thus we can continue our activities of renting out our spaces.
Have a safe spring
Eskus staff