Open call Eskus Summer Residency 2022 artists

Eskus – The Performance Art Centre invites individual artists or groups of professional artists working within performance, live art, or contemporary theatre to apply for its Summer Residency in Helsinki in June. Working groups may consist of max 2 artists. The residency is intended both for artists and groups from the Baltic countries and artists living and working in Finland.

Residency period

The residency period is two weeks, June 14th – June 30th 2022.

What we offer

The Summer Residency offers a studio space free of charge for the whole duration of the residency period. Travels to and from Helsinki, local transport, and expenses for food will also be provided for the selected residency participants. For artists arriving outside of the Finnish capital region, we offer accommodation via Helsinki International Artist Programme HIAPs Villa Eläintarha or in other accommodation options.

The selected artists have a 60-80m2 studio in Eskus Performance Art Centre, Suvilahti, at their disposal. Studios have a flex parquet and basic audio equipment. You can check photos of the studios and other premises here.

Work in progress demo/artist talk and summer celebration

It is expected that the selected artists will share and demo their work with colleagues and the audience through informal and easy-going events such as discussions, workshops, or other. Our aim is to create rewarding encounters between Eskus residency artists and local practitioners. A summer party will be organised at the end of the residency period.

Application guidelines

We kindly ask you to include the following information in your application.

  • Short description of your project, (max 1 A4), introducing your work and yourself and how your piece would benefit from working in our residency.
  • CV
  • Portfolio

The deadline for the applications is May 8th 2022.  You can apply by sending your attachments to 

Selection criteria

We will select artists with well-motivated, clear working plans that are realistic to carry out in 2 weeks. The residency is intended for professional artists.

The selection will be carried out by MA director, Actor (FIA), Performance Artist Tuire Tuomisto and Performance Artist, Curator and Doctoral Candidate Jon Irigoyen.

Selected artists will be notified by e-mail on May 12th.


Uutisia / tapahtumia

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