Kansainvälinen kuraattoriresidenssi NPT Biennalen yhteydessä / International Emerging Curators Residency @ NPT Biennale

Eskus toteuttaa yhdessä New Performance Turku Biennalen (5.-10.2023) kanssa kansainvälisen residenssin uransa alussa oleville kuraattoreille. Residenssiin valittiin 5 kuraattoria: Charlotte Arens (DE), Yun-Chen Chang (TW), Edvinas Grinkevičius (LT), Emmanuel Ndefo (NG) ja Iona Poldervaart (CH/IS).

Together with New Performance Turku Biennale (5-10 2023), Eskus is implementing an international Emerging Curators Residency. 5 curators were selected for the residency: Charlotte Arens (DE), Yun-Chen Chang (TW/FIN), Edvinas Grinkevičius (LT), Emmanuel Ndefo (NG) and Iona Poldervaart (CH/IS).

Charlotte Arens

Charlotte Arens has studied Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen (Germany), is currently based in Mannheim and works as a curator and dramaturg in the performing arts. She has been co-curating and curating programs/festivals for the performing arts venue zeitraumexit (2018 -21) and and been working as well as a production manager and dramaturg (2019-22 at Nationaltheater Mannheim an lately as a freelancer.) Her interest lays clearly in socially relevant topics and transdisciplinary and intersectional approaches, combining discursive, social and practical knowledge. Besides the development of her own formats & platforms, her interest lays in the dramaturgical accompaniment of artistic processes and being in a caring exchange with the artist she works with. In recent years, she has increasingly devoted herself to participative formats that create access and participation. She advocates for a discrimination-sensitive working methods & for the self-critical development of institutional structures.

IG: @charlotte_il_arens

Yun-Chen Chang

Yun-Chen Chang is a Taiwanese performance and dance artist based in Helsinki working across choreography, performance and the visual arts. Her performance practice has evolved around a vulnerable body in a changing environment, in a question of home and in a dream full of transformative potentials. Still Changing and Relax on a Shaky Ground are two of her performance projects where she respectively performs with a big scale of chairs and tables with an intention to host an audience in a strange and precarious home. She is fascinated by the singularity of everyday objects in researching site-specific movement variations. Her performance practice is characterized by playfulness and subtleness, risk and trust, vulnerability and endurance, subversion and transformation. She practices negotiating, collaborating and observing power dynamics in a temporary community of an audience or in the context of artistic collaboration. She also experiments with various modes of spectatorship in a shared space.

IG: @yunchen0316

Edvinas Grinkevičius

Edvinas Grinkevičius is a curator, cultural worker and artist, currently based in Kaunas, Lithuania. The broad spectre of his practice consists of curatorial and artistic activities, all connected through an active interest in leftist and queer-feminist politics and practices, which aim to provide artistic practices with a transformative potential especially within institutionalised structures.Grinkevičius has been working as a curator at the Kaunas Artists’ House since 2017. In 2019, he started to curate programme “Unlearning Eastern Europe”. In 2021, he with art historian and curator Rebeka Poldsam started Baltic queer art and politics network “Black Rose. Black Carnation”. Since 2016 Grinkevičius has been one of the initiators and co-curators of WE ARE PROPAGANDA, the counter-culture queer movement. The same year marked the beginning of performing terrorist drag dj performances under the artist’s alter ego – drag persona Querelle.

IG: @edvinas.grin

Emmanuel Ndefo

Emmanuel Ndefo is an experimental performance artist, curator and researcher based in Lagos, Nigeria. He positions himself as an artist using his body and research as a powerful tool for creative process and for reimagining how performance contributes to larger contemporary conversations. His interest is in the critical display of the body within architectural and alternative spaces, not excluding museums, theatres, galleries, archives etc. He believes that a well curated experience of the body moving within spaces can serve as a way of engineering thought, stirring up memories, generating ideas and challenging dominant narratives. Trained as a researcher and dance anthropologist, which he combines with knowledge gained from the practice of various traditional/ritual dances from Africa, and with urban dance styles like hip-hop, krump and house. He works within an overlap of body, movement, sound and installation to examine historical and contemporary formats of rupture, queerness, resistance and subversion within culture.

IG: @emmanuel_ndefo

Iona Poldervaart

Iona Poldervaart recently graduated with an MA in Curatorial Practice from the Iceland University of the Arts. She holds a BA in Art History with a Minor in Biology from the University of Zurich (2020). Iona has been working as a curatorial assistant, curator, and project manager in several contemporary art projects in Switzerland and Iceland. Her focus lies on site-specific, collaborative, and sustainable artistic practices, often bridging performative and visual art in an experimental and process-oriented manner.

IG: @i_jasija


Tavataan Turussa! NPT Biennalen ohjelmiston löydät täältä.

Ohjelmisto koostuu sekä tiettyyn kellonaikaan alkavista teoksista että pitkäkestoisista teoksista. Osa teoksista vaatii ennakkoilmoittautumisen. Lähes kaikkiin teoksiin saa lippuja myös ovelta. Koko ohjelmisto on pääsymaksuton.

See you in Turku! You can find The NPT Biennale programme here.

The NPT Biennale programme consists of both set time performances and durational works. Some performances require pre-booking. For most performances, tickets will be available from the door as well. The full programme is free of charge.


Uutisia / tapahtumia

Toisissa tiloissa 20 vuotta: Juhlavuosihaastattelu

Eskuksen jäsenryhmä Toisissa tiloissa viettää 20-vuotisjuhlavuottaan. Juhlavuoden kunniaksi Eskus tilasi taidekriitikko ja tietokirjailija Maria Säköltä haastattelun ryhmän historiasta ja tulevaisuudesta.   Kolme

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