Introducing Eskus Summer Residency Artists, vol. 1.1: LAUKKU Members

Inta Balode – performance artist, dramaturgy
Inta Balode is a talented dance lyricist who discovered her passion for dance after a life-changing moment. She holds a degree from the Latvian Academy of Culture and believes that dance is a form of expression that touches the soul. She enjoys dancing with amateurs and encourages others to explore the joy of dance regardless of their skill level. Inta Balode is a leading member of the Latvian Dance Information Center, pursuing her career as a dance journalist. Despite her success, she remains humble and is passionate about living in the countryside, where she founded the LAUKKU collective and is an active member of the community. Inta Balode’s rural lifestyle inspires her to create beautiful dance pieces that are grounded in nature and simplicity, inspiring dancers and audiences alike.

Agate Bankava – performance artist, choreography
Agate Bankava is a contemporary dance artist who is deeply committed to the transformative power of performing arts. She has degrees from both the ”Riga Ballet School” and the Latvian Academy of Culture and works as a choreographer and performer in various forms of the art. Agate is particularly interested in exploring independent movement and its capacity for thought-provoking and evocative expression. During the residency, she aims to fully embody the idea of the arts space and research interconnectional similarities between the builder and artist’s line of work, while looking for a higher purpose for both professions. By doing so, Agate is also prepared to explore the contingency of time and body through the framework of the moment.


Agnese Bordjukova – performance artist, choreography
Agnese Bordjukova is a highly accomplished contemporary dance choreographer, performer, and teacher, having worked in the industry since 2007. Graduating from the Latvian Academy of Culture’s contemporary dance choreography program, she obtained her master’s degree in arts in 2017. Since 2012, Agnese has been an independent choreographer and has also worked with various dance associations and collectives, such as Z.I. temperature Dance (2004-2008), Anatomy of Dance (2007-2016), and LAUKKU (2017-present).
Agnese’s talent and expertise have been recognized in the industry, serving as a contemporary dance expert on the jury for the Dance Award (2019-2021) and as the contemporary dance editor for ”” since 2020. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge, teaching Authentic movement at the ”Riga Ballet School” and has been teaching online movement classes for children with functional disabilities, organized by the Baltic Social Assistance Fund. Agnese Bordjukova’s contributions to contemporary dance have made her a highly respected and admired figure in the industry.

Ginta Grube  – performance artist, visual artist
Ginta Grube is a talented jewellery artist and theoretician, with a passion for exploring the history of jewellery art in Latvia. With degrees from the Latvian Academy of Arts and a lectureship in the history of jewellery, Ginta continues to pursue her studies in a doctoral program. Her artistic pursuits have taken her to the Haute école des arts du Rhin in Strasbourg, where she was influenced by the contemporary ornaments of her peers. Ginta is a board member of the Latvian Rota art society and an active member of various associations, including LAUKKU, the Association of Young Scientists of Latvia, and the student corporation Imeria. Her passion for art has made her a highly regarded figure in the industry. With her extensive knowledge and expertise, she continues to explore the rich history and artistic potential of jewellery.

Laima Jansone – performance artist, musician, composer
Laima Jansone is a virtuoso of the kokle, a traditional Latvian instrument. She is also composer and sound artist especially in the field of contemporary dance. Improvisation is an important part of her performance style, with a musical interaction between the meditative and impulsive; the ancient and contemporary. Laima Jansone started her professional career as a musician and a composer in 2011 by releasing her first solo CD, Sidrabs. She has brought her performances to the public at the largest concert halls in Latvia as well as in Italy, Belgium, Australia, Norway, Germany, Japan, USA, etc.


Uutisia / tapahtumia

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