Social choreography workshop – Zombie Moves

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  • Eskus
  • 2.6.2022
  • 17:30 - 20:00
  • Esitystaiteen seura

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Social choreography workshop – Zombie Moves


17:30 - 20:00


Esitystaiteen seura

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Social choreography workshop – Zombie Moves


17:30 - 20:00


This year’s second gathering of the Social Choreography Lab Helsinki will happen on Thursday, June 2nd, between 17:30 – 20:00h. The workshop this time will be led  by artist and researcher Jon Irigoyen together with artist and art educator Emma Hovi.

 As space is limitedplease register as soon as possible by sending an email to

As always, the workshop is free of charge and snacks will be served, so welcome to join us!


In this workshop, we will explore the figure of the zombie. Zombies, monsters and other kinds of bodies have accompanied us for a long time in cosmologies and myths, popular culture and horror movies. Lately, the symbolic power of these figures has become more relevant than ever.

Through embodied tasks and exercises, we will dissect and explore the zombie, its body, its feelings (if they have any) and its possible constellation of movements to try to understand why this figure has become so popular in the last decades. Maybe because we feel, or fear, we are becoming like them? Maybe because we sense that an apocalyptic scenario is approaching and all we can do is to continue consuming and sniffing out the next thing to devour? Whatever the reason is, we will have fun experiencing what a non-living, nearly dead body could be, and its possibilities. Do you think a zombie can dance? Let’s figure it out together.

Jon Irigoyen is an artist and a researcher, his practice oscillates between interventions in public space, political performance and Social Choreography. Lately, he has been investigating the figure of the zombie and its potentialities to understand the dynamics of late capitalism.

Emma Hovi has researched concepts of monstrosity in the philosophy of art pedagogy, in her artistic practice she focuses on questions of labour and intimacy.


The workshop will be held in Sali 2 in ESKUS dance center in Suvilahti. ESKUS is located in Puhdistamo, building number 6, 2nd floor, the stairs next to Make Your Mark Gallery (see

Feel free to get in touch with any questions you might have and share this email and info with friends who might be interested.

No previous experience or skills are required.

Also, we are preparing something special for all of us on June 22nd, more info coming in the following weeks.





Emma Hovi & Jon Irigoyen

Social Choreography Lab Helsinki is part of Esitystaiteen seura – Live art society program.


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