Hagfags: Drag as a witchcraft workshop

Tapahtuman tiedot

  • Recover Laboratory - Aleksis Kiven katu 16
  • 28.6.2024
  • 12:00 - 16:00
  • Recover Laboratory

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Hagfags: Drag as a witchcraft workshop

Recover Laboratory - Aleksis Kiven katu 16

12:00 - 16:00


Recover Laboratory

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Hagfags: Drag as a witchcraft workshop

Recover Laboratory - Aleksis Kiven katu 16

12:00 - 16:00


Recover Laboratory’s workshops are back again!!!

The workshops are free of charge, and they are aimed at artists and makers of the creative fields.

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”Hagfags” is a long-term artistic collaboration and project by the Norwegian based Finnish-Danish duo, Henna Nerg and Sangría Valentino. Looking into the Nordic history of witch persecution, Hagfags searches for ways in which this history can be related to othered and queer bodies and identities in current times.

During the workshop the participants are invited to summon their inner witches and demons by creating their own drag character. These witches combine crafty camp aesthetics to embrace the weird, trashy horror Queens and Quings.

Hagfags was kicked off with a residency in Bergen Kunsthall’s Live Studio at the end of February and beginning of March 2024, and it will last until the end of 2024.

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