Francis Maskens: Contemporary Dance

Tapahtuman tiedot

  • Eskus sali 1
  • 8.3.2023
  • 17:30 - 19:00
  • Eskus

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Francis Maskens: Contemporary Dance

Eskus sali 1

17:30 - 19:00



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Francis Maskens: Contemporary Dance

Eskus sali 1

17:30 - 19:00


In the spring season, Eskus’ members are offered free dance classes. Francis Maskens teaches (in English) contemporary dance on Wednesdays (13 times between March 8 and June 7). Classes are part of Maskens’ teaching practice of Art University’s master’s degree in dance teaching. Participating in the classes does not require previous dance experience.

A maximum of 12 participants are admitted to the classes; places are filled in order of registration. You can register for the classes via this link, deadline 7.3.


”I will lead contemporary dance and explorative/ creative tasks. I will bring natural and artificial materials to the studio to be used as a stimulus for guided movement exploration, interaction, and dance. The concept of the classes is urban and natural materials, how they stimulate movement through sound, shape, and dialogue.”

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